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Province to Achieve Land Protection Goal

Feb 3, 2021

Featured image
Large Atlantic salmon and parr in a branch of the St. Mary's River, NS. Photo Nick Hawkins and Tom Cheney

Protected areas are an important part of conserving Nova Scotia’s unique habitats, coastline and biodiversity, while providing places for people to connect with nature.

Government intends to protect 20 more sites, which will achieve the province’s 13 per cent land protection goal.

“Although we are a small province, Nova Scotia continues to be a leader in land protection,” said Environment Minister Gordon Wilson. “I’m very pleased to move these sites forward for protection and achieve our land protection goal.”

The province will be consulting with Nova Scotians on some of the areas where there have been changes since the last consultation. A 60-day online consultation will launch soon, and Nova Scotians will be notified.

Nova Scotia has some of the most amazing and unique provincial parks in the country. Designating these new parks will ensure visitors and Nova Scotians will be able to enjoy their beauty and biodiversity for generations to come.
Lands and Forestry Minister Derek Mombourquette

The Sackville Rivers Association is overjoyed to see the great news of protecting Sackville River Wilderness Area in Upper Sackville. This will protect old and mature forests and habitat of the wild Atlantic salmon in one of the fastest growing areas of Nova Scotia.
Walter Regan, President, Sackville Rivers Association

Quick Facts:
Since 2013, the province has protected more than 150 sites

These areas will protect habitat for mainland moose, migratory birds and Atlantic salmon, and help efforts to conserve species at risk, old and mature forests and coastal ecosystems
Additional Resources:

Descriptions and locations of protected areas are available at:


Media Contact:
Barbara MacLean
Cell: 902-237-3512


  • Dunns Beach Provincial Park, Antigonish County
  • Eastern Shore Islands Wilderness Area (expansion), Halifax Regional Municipality
  • Economy River Wilderness Area (expansion), Cumberland and Colchester counties
  • Eigg Mountain – James River Wilderness Area (expansion), Antigonish
  • Five Islands Provincial Park (expansion), Colchester County
  • Medway Lakes Wilderness Area (expansion), Annapolis County
  • Middle River-Framboise Wilderness Area (expansion), Cape Breton Regional Municipality
  • Monks Head Provincial Park, Antigonish County
  • Pomquet Beach Provincial Park, Antigonish County
  • Portapique River Wilderness Area (expansion), Cumberland and Colchester counties
  • Sackville River Wilderness Area, Halifax Regional Municipality
  • Wentworth Valley Wilderness Area (expansion), Cumberland County


  • Blue Sea Beach Provincial Park, Cumberland County
  • Big Meadow Brook Nature Reserve, Hants County
  • Barneys River Nature Reserve, Pictou County
  • Cherry Hill Beach Nature Reserve, Lunenburg County
  • Glendyer Nature Reserve, Inverness County
  • Les Caps Nature Reserve, Inverness County
  • Porcupine Brook Nature Reserve, Annapolis County
  • Staples Brook Nature Reserve, Colchester County