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ASF Rivernotes 30 July 2021


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Atlantic salmon in a Gaspé River. Photo Nick Hawkins and Tom Cheney


Whenever an overview of trends in Atlantic salmon returns is given mid-summer, there is ALWAYS the proviso that it is too early to make predictions.

This summer is nevertheless providing a sense of optimism in many Atlantic salmon rivers. The Miramichi has had significant runs of salmon, especially the Southwest Miramichi watershed. And even better, the rains of July and lower temperatures have improved conditions for both salmon and anglers.

Gaspé, the western half of Newfoundland, and Labrador have also had good returns, and while water levels could be better in some areas, a few had almost too much water. Temperatures have been high in part of Newfoundland, alas. On the other side, Maine has not had a great year. The salmon are returning, but not nearly as many of them as in 2020. Early drought perhaps has been a factor, but obviously at-sea conditions are a factor as well.

Still, as indicated by the famous proviso of “its too early,” there is all of August, September and even October to watch, and that optimism is a common theme among those in the Atlantic salmon world.

Looking at the travels of post-smolts, all of those from the Gulf of St. Lawrence area have now passed through the Strait of Belle Isle, and out into the Labrador Sea. This year there was no bottleneck of heavy sea ice an icebergs, so that should help the little guys in their migration. One just hopes the grey seals, sharks and tuna leave them alone as much as possible on their way towards ocean feeding grounds.


Don Ivany, ASF Director of Programs in Newfoundland and Labrador says:

During the past week Newfoundland and Labrador experienced some very hot weather conditions.

Whether rivers had low water levels or high, they all experienced fairly warm water temperatures, making it rather difficult to coach salmon to the fly.

Most rivers in Western Newfoundland and those on the Northern Peninsula currently have medium to high water levels due to torrential rains experienced on July 22-23. This caused rivers in these areas to swell their banks, making fishing near impossible for a couple of days. But levels have since been receding and angling has since picked up again.

A few rivers on the Avalon Peninsula and a few on the South coast received just enough rain to raise water levels moderately, while others in these areas have received no rain, and are still low and warm.

As a result, DFO have closed some rivers to morning fishing only. Where there have been improvements in water conditions other rivers have been re-opened for all day fishing. Again, anglers are reminded to check DFO’s website for individual river status before venturing out on their favourite river to fish.

Rivers in Southern Labrador (i.e. those South of Goose Bay), are very low currently, and warm water temperatures have slowed fishing on rivers in this area. Meanwhile, rivers to the North of Goose Bay seem to be fairing better.

The good news this week is that despite less-than-ideal angling conditions, reports from anglers indicate that there are still good numbers of Atlantic salmon being seen on most rivers, and there are more fish waiting to come into rivers when water levels improve.

These observations are supported by the DFO fishway counts up to July 25, which show good returns to most monitored rivers to date, compared to last season for the same period.

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Regional Breakdown

Western Newfoundland

As a result of heavy rain on June 22-23, water levels on most rivers in Bay St. George, including the Codroy River to the south, rose very quickly and became very high, making for difficult fishing. This was followed by a few hot days that caused water levels to recede.

Water levels are currently at about medium height on these rivers, but water temperatures are now very warm (18-22 C) which is making fish lazy and difficult to hook. According to DFO fishway counts up to July 25 approximately 2,700 fish have entered Harry’s River, which is up by about 200 fish over the same period last year.

The heavy rain on July 22-23 caused the Humber River to swell its banks making fishing nearly impossible for a few days. Water levels have receded and Scott Grant reports that there was excellent fishing at Big Falls on the upper Humber. Temperatures remain fairly warm on this section of river at the moment and water levels are still fairly high.

Conditions are a little more favourable on the Lower Humber, where Scott reports good fishing this past weekend. He hooked four fish on this section of river this past Saturday including a 12 lb and a 20 lb that broke free.

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ASF's Dr. Steve Sutton casting in the Elbow Pool of the Main (Sop's Arm) this month. Don Ivany/ASF
Northern Peninsula

Reports indicate that angling has been good on the Northern Peninsula up to the end of last week.

However, while water levels on the Northern Peninsula rivers are very good at the moment, water temperatures have increased and are now hovering around 18 C, which has slowed angling success.

Reports indicate that there are still a few fish moving through these rivers, although most Atlantic salmon have now reached the upper section of their home rivers.

The DFO fishway counts indicate that as of July 25, some 1,407 fish have entered Western Arm Brook compared to 332 for the same period last year.

Southern Newfoundland

Heavy rain on June 22-23 on parts of the South coast saw water levels rise on Garnish River, where according to DFO’s fishway counts, some 603 salmon have now entered the river, which is up from 41 for the same period last year.

However, Conne River and Grey River did not receive this rain and as a result water levels remain very low, and water temperatures remain warm. Up to July 25, 235 salmon have been counted on Conne River compared to 79 for last year, but this is well below historical levels and well below spawning requirements.

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Low water levels showing on the Gander River above the TransCanada Highway. Don Ivany/ASF

Central Newfoundland

The Exploits River continues to see great returns and fresh fish continue to enter the season.

As of July 28th returns to the Exploits River have now surpassed 31,000 fish, up from approximately 17,500 for the same period last year.

While there are still reports from anglers of many salmon being seen in the river, warm water temperatures have slowed angling success on the river during the past few days.

Anglers are still reporting good signs of fish on the lower section of Gander River during this past week, but very low water conditions coupled with increased water temperatures, has made fish very difficult to hook.

Campbellton River continues to impress this year, and as of July 25 some 3,348 fish have entered the river compared to 1,861 for the same period last season. While this river is also low and warm there are still reports of large numbers of salmon jumping in the estuary of this river, waiting to enter the system when conditions improve.

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West Brook above the TransCanada Highway showing low water levels. Don Ivany/ASF

Avalon Peninsula

Rivers on the Avalon Peninsula experienced some rain this past week which led to improved water levels. However, while there are reports of good numbers of fish on some rivers and poor numbers of fish on others, warm water temperatures this past week has meant for relatively poor angling success on most of these rivers.

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Eagle River this week showing the low water levels. Dwight Lethbridge/Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge

Dwight Lethbridge (Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge) reports very low water levels on the Eagle River during this past week.

In fact, he reports that it is the lowest that he has seen the river in his lifetime. Despite low water levels and fairly warm water temperatures, there are still signs of fish in the river, including a good mix of large grilse and salmon in the 10-12 lb range.

Dwight reports that his guests are still enjoying good angling success averaging about 4.5 fish hooked per day.

DFO fishway counts in Labrador this year are about on par with counts from last year for the same period on three of the four rivers being monitored. The exception is Sandhill River which is doing exceptionally well this year. As of July 25, some 3000 fish have entered this river.

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DFO Labrador counts to July 25.


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Southwest Miramichi near Boiestown. Nathan Wilbur/ASF
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Taxis River recently. Nathan Wilbur/ASF

ASF’s Nathan Wilbur reports:

What a stark contrast to the dryness and heat we experienced last year. It has been the summer of dreams for water conditions – for both the salmon and the angler. 

We haven’t experienced water conditions like this on many New Brunswick salmon rivers since 2011. 

With regular rains producing high and cool water conditions, the salmon have kept coming in and trapnet numbers on the Miramichi have been much greater than the last couple years on record to date (2018, 2019) (see numbers here: 

Anecdotal reports from the Nepisiguit have been good as well. 

The Restigouche was just outside the reach of some of these major rains we’ve had in July and water levels there have dropped throughout the month. Rivers flowing from south-central New Brunswick certainly are getting their fair share of rain and fantastic fishing conditions.

While we are always hopeful for rain, this summer has been a little different; we’ve been crossing our fingers for low water conditions to help facilitate the complex smallmouth bass eradication project. The magnitude and cost of the project is directly related to river flow. This time last year there was 2 cubic metres per second flowing through the project area and this year it is 10 cubic metres per second. Together with Working Group partners, we are preparing to carry out this enormous conservation project in mid August. A break in the rain from mother nature for a few weeks sure would be helpful.

I got up early Saturday morning and went for a couple hour fish in Boiestown in perfect water conditions. It felt like old times, there were three vehicles at the mouth of Taxis River when I arrived, 5 guys fishing near the mouth of Burnt Land Brook, and a carload of anglers and onlookers down at the Cash Pool. Salmon were jumping but no hookups. Nice to see the river alive and well with water, fish and people.

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The Dungarvon in mid-July. Nathan Wilbur/ASF
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The Southwest Miramichi near Blackville showing the excellent water levels. Photo Brock Curtis
Blackville, Southwest Miramichi

Brock Curtis writes:

I can’t imagine conditions being better for angling here in Salmon Country. 

I measured the water temperatures this morning at approximately 9:30 and my thermometer showed 68 F. Water levels are very nice and as you can see from the photo the flow of water is up to the edge of the grass. It is dropping but a very nice level for this time of year.

After last week’s rain most anglers were reporting fishing and hooking salmon from the shore over the weekend. Most of the salmon were hooked 15 ft. to 30 ft. from the shoreline. The nice river levels and 62 F water temperatures probably brought a lot of bright salmon in on the full moon over this past weekend. 

We are starting to hear from anglers who are commenting that they are noticing salmon starting to hold now in brooks and the mouth of the tributaries here on the lower section of the river in the Blackville area. All of the tributaries in this area including Renous, Dungarvon, Bartholomew, and Cains have been producing salmon on the fly.
I have had many conversations with anglers and guides coming into the tackle shop and all are reporting they haven’t seen angling like this in a couple of decades. The older seasoned salmon anglers all attribute it to the weekly cycle of rainfall we have been getting on this part of the Miramichi watershed. Many claim when we have the river conditions we have good early salmon returns.

The forecast is showing more rain this coming Friday. An exceptionally good month of angling in July and looking very good going into August.


Jean-Daniel Savard, General Manager of the Restigouche River Watershed Management Council, says:

I spoke with many camp owners last week as well as with some fishermen.
The conclusion: The year 2021 is neither the best nor the worst recent year for fishing on the Restigouche. It seems like there are better fishing results on the Kedgwick branch of the river compared to other sections.

Obviously, we will know more exact figures later on the year once the fishing count results are revealed.

As in other recent years, the water level is low which makes navigation difficult for some sections of the river. But the warm water protocol have not been triggered so far, which is good news considering the low flow.


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Edward Botting with a beautiful Margaree Atlantic salmon.


Patrick Poirier says:

Conditions on the Margaree are great, compared to years of the recent past. Water levels and temperatures are good.

The last bump of rain had some fish moving, in upper and lower parts of the river. With good number of fish being hooked. Water is leveling out and dropping .

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Rory Poirier casts at the Forks Pool in the Margaree, No hookups, but certainly signs of Atlantic salmon. Photo Patrick Poirier

More rain and thunder showers predicted for this week and we can hope for another good bump of water to help set things up for August.

From a season that was looking doubtful, with slow returns and low water, to a superb one, with many once-in-a lifetime fish, and first fish for many anglers.

Also with the announcement of borders opening, there are many hopeful anglers, anticipating they will be able to return to the beautiful Margaree. Some just for the scenery, other with hopes of getting up close and personal with the mighty Atlantic salmon.

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For the Margaree, with its narrow valley and high mountainsides, this curve of water flow is excellent. Great conditions.


René Aucoin, President of the Cheticamp River Salmon Association (CRSA), notes:

The Cheticamp river salmon run is normally late May to mid July. This year, like many other rivers in the Gulf, the salmon run was generally late with a few fish showing up in early June at the appointed time but then the migration seemed to stall probably due to low water conditions. 

All that changed towards the end of June when rains brought in a fair number of new fish and surprisingly there are still a few fresh fish entering the river in late July. 

Note that the 2021 salmon run is probably still seeing some effects of the massive flood of 2015. 

Over the last 50 years that I have been observing the salmon, the two adjacent rivers, the Margaree and the Cheticamp, normally followed the same pattern of abundance. 

This has not been the case since the 2015 flood which surprisingly did not affect the Margaree. The Margaree is presently having an excellent season but fair would be the best description for the Cheticamp. 

Our hope is that in the next few years, there will be a return to normal abundance for the Cheticamp River salmon. 

Of note is the number of Brown Trout that are being caught upriver, some above the waterfalls at the Second Pool which was thought to be a barrier for most fish species except for salmon.

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René Aucoin mentors on fly casting at the CRSA's July 27 casting workshop.

René Aucoin gave an overview of the CRSA’s workshop on July 27:

The Cheticamp River Salmon Association, with funding from Destination Cape Breton Association’s Festival and Events Program, hosted two introductory fly-casting workshops on July 27th. 

Despite the pandemic and rain in the forecast, the CRSA had a good mix of participants and even a bit of sunshine for this year’s workshops. 

The sessions were put on by Lewis Hinks, Master Fly Casting Instructor, and Rene Aucoin, the CRSA’s President and Certified Casting Instructor. After going over basic fly casting principles and how to set up and care for their gear, Lewis and Rene used a variety of techniques to demonstrate and help participants learn basic cast.

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Flycasting with a paint brush. Lewis Hinks shows the movement of the arm to a new fly caster with the wave of a wet paint brush.


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Jason Valliere, Biologist with the Maine Department of Marine Resources says:

Still a few fish moving up the river. Numbers are being generated via video count and are preliminary. They will be adjusted in the future for in season recaptures.

A total of 512 Atlantic salmon have been at the Milford Dam’s Fish Lift.


Jennifer Noll of Maine’s DMR notes:

Off and on rain through the week has led to somewhat stable flow levels in the mainstem Kennebec in Waterville. Flows have been hovering around 2,500 cfs. 

According to the USGS water data in Sidney, this level is between 25 per cent and minimum flows historically for this date. Temperatures at the Lockwood fish lift have been ~21°C on average all week. No salmon have been captured in the Lockwood fishlift this week.

Lockwood fish lift (mainstem Kennebec) total catches for 2021: Atlantic Salmon: 22 (1 additional was caught in ledges during stranding rescue and transported to the Sandy River).

Sandy River

Maranda Nemeth of ASF notes:

We completed a few field surveys in the Sandy River watershed this past week.

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Jen Larson measuring the stream discharge along a tributary to the Sandy River with Bill Bennett, restoration ecologist with the USFWS Coastal Program, and close partner on several restoration sites of the Maine Headwaters Project. Maranda Nemeth/ASF
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Walton’s Mill Dam along Temple Stream this past week. Dam removal will be completed in 2022. Maranda Nemeth/ASF

Maranda Nemeth continues:

I participated in an outreach event with young women interested in careers in STEM. 

We explored the China Lake Outlet Stream and the work Maine Rivers is completing there to help introduce them to what a career in stream restoration is like.

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Heidi Bunn, Engineer, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service speaks to the young women about her experience and career as well as explain the approach in technical design for fishways and dam removals for rivers in Maine. Maranda Nemeth/ASF

Maranda Nemeth also noted:

I was able to visit the site of the Madison Electric Dam Removal along the lower Sandy River this week. 

The dam was removed in Aug. 2006 as part of Madison Electric hydropower license surrender.

So – officially almost 15 years ago. 

They were required to implement fish passage by the end of 2006 and based on a feasibility study, it was determined that the most economical choice was to surrender their license and remove the dam. 

The site is just four miles upstream before the confluence of the Kennebec. ASF wasn’t involved to any large extent but supported the work.

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Site of the Madison Electric Dam, now freeing up passage for migratory species of fish. Maranda Nemeth/ASF


Colby Bruchs, DMR Biologist says:

One new salmon captured this week; a female MSW return that had originated from smolt stocking. Water temperature has been stable at around 23 C. this week. Discharge has declined to 110 CFS.

Narraguagus River Atlantic Salmon Count — through 26 July: Season total of 16, with 13 multi-sea-winter salmon and three grilse.

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Maine rivers near the coast have had better rainfall than those further north and closer to the Quebec border.


Au moment de la création de ce rapport, les niveaux d’eau demeurent bas sur la plupart des rivières. Mais une lueur d’espoir de précipitations dans des endroits stratégiques comme Murdochville et Amqui en Gaspésie, nous l’espérons, de l’eau qui est en manque depuis plusieurs semaines.

C’est la période de la saison où les décomptes en rivière sont effectués pour déterminer l’abondance qui pourrait éventuellement permettre la récolte de grand saumon sur certaines rivières à partir du 1er août, comme, stipule le plan de gestion du saumon atlantique. Le MFFP a publié un communiqué de presse annonçant les rivières qui ont atteint une abondance suffisante permettant la récolte de grands saumons à partir du 1er août.

En Gaspésie :

Rivière Madeleine, Rivière Saint-Jean et York.

Bas St-Laurent :

Matane, Matapédia, Mistigougèche, Mitis.

Côte-Nord :

Du Gros Mécatina, Napetipi, Saint-Paul, Vieux Fort.

Jusqu’à ce jour, il y a une augmentation encourageante du nombre de madeleineaux observé et pêché comparativement à l’année dernière.
Voici un reportage au sujet de la saison 2021 des rivières de la Côte-Nord

Considérant les conditions d’eau plus chaude étant la norme en ce moment, veuillez svp réduire au minimum la durée du combat si vous piquez un saumon et veuillez les garder le poisson dans l’eau pendant tout le processus d’une remise à l’eau. Il n’y a pas de temps prédéfini pour relâcher un poisson, il vous indiquera quand il est prêt à partir.

Rappel aux saumoniers pêchant les rivières du Québec, prenez le temps de signalé vos prises et remise à l’eau afin d’avoir des statistiques précises et pour que les gestionnaires de rivière puissent calculer le succès de pêche avec précision.

Tight Lines!

** Les données utilisées dans ce rapport proviennent de divers sites Web, médias sociaux et des sources du gouvernement du Québec.

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Bonaventure Jul 2021. Photo Kevin Cayoueette
Rivière Bonaventure

La Zec Bonaventure nous informe que le décompte mi-saison est complété. 1 155 saumons, 456 madeleineaux et 6 Bars Rayé ont été répertoriés.

Cumulativement au 24 juillet 2021, les saumoniers de la Bonaventure ont déclaré 823 prises dont 508 saumons remis à l’eau et la récolte de 315 madeleineaux.

En date du 25 juillet 2020, 465 saumons étaient déclarés remis à l’eau et la récolte de 233 madeleineaux.

Au 27 juillet 2019, les saumoniers avaient déclaré 645 prises, dont 521 saumons remis à l’eau et 124 madeleineaux récoltés.

Rivière Sainte-Anne

Destinations Chic-Chocs ont publié le résultat du décompte effectué le 24 et 25 juillet dernier. 571 saumons et 379 madeleineaux ont été observés et comptés totalisant 960 poissons.

Pendant la saison 2020, et d’après le bilan de l’exploitation du saumon au Québec, une montaison totale de 1 135 poissons, dont 780 saumons et 355 madeleineaux, avait eu lieu.

Rivières York, Dartmouth, St-Jean

Les résultats du décompte mi-saison 2021 fut publié le 28 juillet.


afin d’enregistrer une remise à l’eau.

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Rivière Matane

Depuis le 15 juin 2021 jusqu’au 27 juillet, 751 saumons et 1 021 madeleineaux ont franchi la passe migratoire pour un total de 1 772.

Au 27 juillet 2020, 1 515 poissons (1 057 saumons et 458 madeleineaux et au 28 juillet 2019, 848 saumons et 402 madeleineaux avaient été dénombrés pour un total de 1 250.

La SOGERM indique que 404 prises (121 saumons et 283 madeleineaux) ont été enregistrées jusqu’au 27 juillet 2021, dont 121 saumons et 86 madeleineaux relâchés en plus de 197 madeleineaux récoltés.

Les prises jusqu’au 27 juillet en 2020, totalisaient 278 poissons (159 saumons et 25 madeleineaux relâchés, 94 madeleineaux récoltés).

Au 28 juillet 2019, 296 prises furent déclarées (165 saumons et 15 madeleineaux relâchés, 74 madeleineaux récoltés).

Rivière Matapédia

Le dénombrement en rivière est en cours pour évaluer si une abondance suffisante existe afin de permettre la récolte de grands saumons. Les résultats n’ont pas encore été partagés.

Au 27 juillet pour la saison 2021, 415 prises (262 saumons remis à l’eau et 153 madeleineaux récoltés) ont été enregistrées par les pêcheurs sportifs.

Cumulativement au 26 juillet 2020, 632 prises furent déclarées, dont 468 saumons relâchés et 164 madeleineaux récoltés.

En 2019, au 29 juillet, 715 prises avaient été déclarées (477 saumons relâchés et 244 madeleineaux récoltés).

Au 29 juillet 2018, 677 prises furent déclarées (408 saumons relâchés et 269 madeleineaux récoltés).

Rivière Mitis

Jusqu’au 28 juillet, la montaison de la Mitis se chiffre à 1 682 poissons, dont 730 saumons et 952 madeleineaux.

Au 28 juillet 2020, 1 228 poissons furent transportés en aval du site de capture, dont 643 grands saumons et 585 madeleineaux. À pareille date en 2019, 701 poissons (357 saumons et 344 madeleineaux) furent dénombrés.

Rivière aux Rochers

Jusqu’à ce jour au 26 juillet, 515 poissons ont franchi le piège (220 saumons et 295 madeleineaux) qui est un bon signe comparativement à la montaison totale de 2020 lorsque 361 poissons furent comptés.

Les captures sportives se chiffre a 173 dont 97 saumons et 32 madeleineaux remis à l’eau et 54 madeleineaux récoltés. 113 poissons ont été capturés en 2020 dont 97 remises à l’eau.
Rivière Rimouski

575 poissons (231 saumons et 343 madeleineaux) ont franchi le piège jusqu’au 27 juillet depuis le début de la saison 2021.

Cumulativement au 27 juillet 2020, 325 poissons ont été comptés (183 saumons et 142 madeleineaux) ont été transportés en amont de la chute infranchissable.

En 2019 à pareille date, 463 poissons furent comptés comprenant 243 saumons et 220 madeleineaux.

En 2021, les pêcheurs sportifs ont déclaré la capture de 135 saumons, dont 58 remises à l’eau et 77 madeleineaux récoltés jusqu’à ce jour.

Au 27 juillet 2020, les résultats de pêche cumulatifs indiquaient que 43 prises avaient été déclarées, soit 24 saumons relâchés et 21 madeleineaux récoltés. Comparativement au 27 juillet 2019 lorsque 96 prises furent déclarées comprenant 55 saumons relâchés et 41 madeleineaux récoltés.

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Bonaventure salmon being released in Double Camp Pool - Photo Dan Greenberg - Un beau saumon gracié dans la fosse Double Camp de la rivière Bonaventure

At printing of this report, water levels are still extremely low and water temperatures on the high side on most rivers. But a glimmer of hope for precipitation in strategic places such as Murdochville and Amqui in the Gaspé and Fermont on the North Shore will hopefully bring needed water to our rivers this week.

The Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFFP) has published a press release identifying which rivers have reached sufficient abundance to permit a harvest of large salmon on certain rivers as of Aug. 1 as stipulated in the 2016-2026 Atlantic salmon management plan.

Gaspé Region:

Madeleine, Saint-Jean, York

Lower St-Lawrence Region:

Matane, Matapedia, Mistigougèche, Mitis

North Shore Region:

Du Gros Mecatina, Napetipi, Saint-Paul, Old Fort.

A healthy increase in the number of grilse compared to last year is being observed.

Reminder to anglers fishing Quebec Rivers, take the time to report your releases to have the most accurate angling statistics and for the river managers to accurately calculate angling success.

With warmer water conditions being the norm, please keep the amount of time your fish is on the line to a minimum (if you can hook up) and please keep them in the water during the entire release process. There is no pre-set amount of time prescribed to release a fish, it will tell you when it’s ready to go.

** Data used in the Quebec River notes are sourced from various river websites, social media and Quebec government sources. Information can change without prior notification regarding prior year comparative figures.

Bonaventure River

The Bonaventure ZEC has published the results of the mid-season assessment. The team counted 1,155 salmon, 456 grilse and 6 Striped Bass.

To July 24, sport anglers have reported landing 823 fish (508 salmon released and 315 grilse harvested).

This season to July 25, 2020, 698 fish were reported landed by anglers including 465 salmon released and 233 grilse were harvested. In 2019 to July 27, to date, 645 fish had been reported landed including 521 salmon released and 124 grilse harvested.

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Canoe traffic on the Bonaventure near St-Alphonse last week-end - photo Larry Dee - Achalandage des canotiers dans les environs de St-Alphonse.
Sainte-Anne River

The mid-season assessment was completed on July 25th. 571 salmon and 379 grilse were observed and counted for a total of 960. In 2020, for the entire season, 1,135 fish had migrated to the river which was comprised of 780 salmon and 355 grilse.

York, Dartmouth, St-Jean Rivers

In-river counts were performed this week and the results are posted below:

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Matane River

Since June 15, to July 27th, 751 salmon and 1 021 grilse have been counted for a total of 1,772.

To July 20, 2020, 1 515 fish (1 057 salmon and 458 grilse and to July 28th, 2019, 848 salmon and 402 grilse had been counted for a total of 1,250.

The SOGERM is reporting 404 captures (121 salmon and 283 grilse) have been reported to July 27th comprised of 121 salmon and 86 grilse released as well as 197 grilse harvested.

In 2020, as of July 27th, a total of 278 fish were reported landed (159 salmon et 25 grilse released, 94 grilse harvested).

To July 28, 2019, 296 fish had been reported landed including (165 salmon and 15 grilse released as well as 74 grilse harvested).

Matapedia River

Results of the in-river assessment are not available currently.

To July 27, for the season, 415 fish (262 salmon released and 153 grilse harvested) were reported by sport anglers.

Cumulatively to July 26, 2020, 632 fish had been reported landed made up of 468 salmon released and 164 grilse harvested.

In 2019 to July 29, 715 fish were landed made up of 477 salmon released and the harvest of 244 grilse.

To July 29, 2018, 677 landings were reported (408 salmon released and 269 grilse harvested).

Mitis River

The very good migration continues for the Mitis this season, to July 28, 1,682 fish have entered the fish trap including 730 salmon and 952 grilse.

To July 28, 2020, 1,228 fish had been transported to continue their migration (643 salmon and 585 grilse). At the same date in 2019, 701 fish (357 salmon and 344 grilse) had been counted.

Aux Rochers River

To July 26, 515 fish have entered the trap made up of 220 salmon and 295 grilse which is a good result when compared to the 2020 results for the entire season when 361 fish had been counted (212 salmon and 149 grilse).

Anglers have reported landing 173 fish to same date made up of 97 salmon and 32 grilse released as well as 54 grilse harvested. 113 fish were landed during the entire 2020 season which include 97 releases.

Rimouski River

Since the start of the angling season to July 27, 231 salmon and 343 grilse have been counted for a total of 575.

Records to July 27, 2020, indicate 325 fish (183 salmon and 142 grilse) have been counted and transported above.

In 2019, the cumulative count on July 27 indicated 463 fish (243 salmon and 220 grilse).

On the angling side, anglers have reported landing 135 fish which includes 58 salmon released and 77 grilse.

At the same date in 2020, a total of 43 fish have been landed including 24 salmon released and 21 grilse harvested compared to a total of 96 fish landed (55 salmon released and 41 grilse harvested) in 2019.


If the opening of the Canada/U.S. border were not such a serious matter, it would be a soap opera. And yes, we all know that soap and hand-washing is an important part of the matter.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said the border is open to vaccinated U.S. travellers as of Aug. 9. But the latest act in our soap opera is that the two unions that represent Canada Border Services Agency officers has been given a strike mandate by its members to go out as soon as Aug. 6. Nice timing.

In reality, the border will still be open, and many officers will be designated as essential workers. But if there is a strike in our future, it will affect the length of time a border crossing will take, at least coming into Canada.

For Canadians, there is the question of why the U.S. Government is resisting the opening of the border to Canadians. Now that this has sunk in, there are stories dwelling on the U.S. reasoning for this decision. So, stay tuned for that upcoming act in the border soap opera.

Certainly vaccinated Americans are welcome in all the places where there are Atlantic salmon rivers in Canada. In New Brunswick, as of tonight at midnight, most Covid-19 rules are being lifted, although some businesses, plus all hospitals, etc. will continue to require use of masks. Hopefully there will be no resurgence due to the Delta Variant.

If there is anything to be learned about pandemics, it is that the unexpected is to be expected.