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Alan Graham honoured with top salmon award


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ASF Canada Chair John Thompson, left, and ASF President Bill Taylor, right, present Alan Graham with the 2022 T.B. Happy Fraser Award at the Rossmount Inn on May 10th, 2022. Photo Neville Crabbe/ASF

St. Andrews, N.B. – The 2022 T.B. ‘Happy’ Fraser Award was presented to Alan R. Graham at a gathering of Atlantic Salmon Federation directors last night. The award is ASF Canada’s top-honour, given out since 1975. It recognizes sustained and substantial contributions to conservation, protection, and restoration of wild Atlantic salmon and wild rivers.

“Alan’s contribution to securing a positive future for wild Atlantic salmon spans decades,” said ASF President Bill Taylor. “As the long-serving Minister of Natural Resources in New Brunswick, Alan was instrumental in establishing the provincial Wildlife Trust Fund, and as a private citizen he has been a leader of ASF, recently ending a seven-year term as chair of our Canadian board.”

The Wildlife Trust Fund is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Since 1997, it has granted more than $25 million, including over $400,000 to Atlantic salmon focused projects.
As a volunteer leader and director, Graham advised ASF on the current Greenland Salmon Conservation Agreement and the ongoing effort to eradicate invasive smallmouth bass from the Miramichi watershed. He has also been a strong voice in support of ASF’s regional programs throughout Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Maine.

Graham says that despite the challenges there has been progress, and momentum is building.

“It’s never fast enough, but we are finally seeing action on major issues like land protections from clear cutting and making sure our cold-water streams stay that way,” said Graham. “Now we have to put a bigger effort on engaging the next generation of conservationists who can keep working on behalf of Atlantic salmon.”

In a separate ceremony, Graham will be inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Atlantic Salmon Museum in Doaktown later this month.

For more information contact:
Neville Crabbe, ASF Communications
(506) 467-6804

For a list of past T.B. ‘Happy’ Fraser award winners click here