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Cooke-owned NL subsidiary loses 77000 farmed salmon to winter events

Mar 2, 2020

“It is estimated that approximately 14 per cent mortalities appear to be limited to two of the eight cages on the farm which contains a total of 550,000 fish”.

In a statement, Canadian salmon farmer Cooke has posted that its Cold Ocean Salmon division publicly advises that higher than anticipated Atlantic salmon fish mortalities have been experienced on Manual Arm, NL, Canada. due to severe winter storm events experienced over the past month.

“It is estimated that approximately 14% mortalities appear to be limited to two of the eight cages on the farm which contains a total of 550,000 fish. These fish have not tested positive for reportable diseases,” it wrote.

Cooke confirmed to SalmonBusiness that to date it has lost around 77,000 fish which is “an approximate estimate as the removal is underway”.

“The mortalities are being cleaned out of the affected cages and disposed of per the company’s standard operating procedures and farm management plan. The company’s response plan also includes harvesting the two impacted cages and selectively harvesting fish from the other six. The cages will be monitored, and routine fish health surveillance will be increased,” it added.